

Energy minimization

Minimize a pdb structure in 2 steps, the first step without bonds constraints and the second step with

usage: [-h] -f F -p P -o O -n NAME [-m_steps MIN_STEPS]
                       [-box BOX] [-nt NT] [-ntmpi NTMPI] [-gpu_id GPUID]

Named Arguments

-f Input PDB file
-p Topologie in gromacs format .top
-o Output Directory
-n Output file name
-m_steps Minimisation nsteps, default=1000
-box Create a box, default=False
-nt Total number of threads to start, default=0
-ntmpi Number of thread-MPI threads to start, default=0
-gpu_id List of GPU device id-s to use, default=”“


Equilibrate in 3 steps a system (coor+top), (i) first equilibration with heavy atoms position restraints, (ii) second equilibration with alpha carbon position restraints and (iii) finaly equilibration with weak alpha carbon position restraints

usage: [-h] -f F -p P -o O -n NAME [-HA_time HA_TIME]
                      [-CA_time CA_TIME] [-CA_LOW_time CA_LOW_TIME]
                      [-dt_HA DT_HA] [-dt DT] [-nt NT] [-ntmpi NTMPI]
                      [-gpu_id GPUID]

Named Arguments

-f Input PDB file
-p Topologie in gromacs format .top
-o Output Directory
-n Output file name
-HA_time Equilibration with HA constraint time(ns), default = 0.25ns
-CA_time Equilibration with HA constraint time(ns), default = 1ns
-CA_LOW_time Equilibration with HA constraint time(ns), default = 5ns
-dt_HA Equi HA dt, default=0.005 (5 fs)
-dt Equi CA, CA_LOW, dt, default=0.005 (5 fs)
-nt Total number of threads to start, default=0
-ntmpi Number of thread-MPI threads to start, default=0
-gpu_id List of GPU device id-s to use, default=”“


Simulation production

usage: [-h] -f F -p P -o O -n NAME [-time TIME] [-dt DT]
                     [-nt NT] [-ntmpi NTMPI] [-gpu_id GPUID]

Named Arguments

-f Input PDB file
-p Topologie in gromacs format .top
-o Output Directory
-n Output file name
-time Production time, default=10
-dt Equilibration dt, default=0.005 (5 fs)
-nt Total number of threads to start, default=0
-ntmpi Number of thread-MPI threads to start, default=0
-gpu_id List of GPU device id-s to use, default=”“